Help To Buy

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Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy
Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy Help To Buy

Our Federal Government has recently introduced a Help To Buy scheme

Aimed at helping eligible home buyers enter the property market sooner

Want to know if you qualify?

What is the Help To Buy scheme?

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The Federal Government has recently introduced a shared equity scheme to help eligible home buyers enter the property market sooner.

Capped at 10,000 households a year and available on both new and existing homes,  the contribution of up to 40% made by the government is in exchange for a share in the property. 

This arrangement is designed to make homeownership more affordable for lower income individuals or families by allowing them to purchase a share of a property and pay a reduced mortgage on the remaining share.

Want to get started?

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Let's see how we can help you, on your terms.

Who is eligible?

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The following criteria will apply:

• You must be an Australian citizen & at least 18 years of age
• Annual income of $90,000 or less for individuals and $120,000 or less for couples
• You must live in the purchased home
• You must not currently own any other land or property in Australia or overseas



By sharing the cost of homeownership, individuals and families can enter the property market with a lower upfront investment.



Shared equity housing can provide stability and security for occupants, as they have a stable place to live and can gradually increase their ownership over time.


Potential for Appreciation

As the property's value increases over time, the homeowner benefits from a proportional increase in their ownership share.



Some shared equity programs allow homeowners to sell their shares and move on, potentially realising a profit.

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